New Batch#100 (10th Nov 2021) - Salesforce Admin + Dev Training (WhatsApp: +91 - 8087988044) :

Friday, 9 June 2017

Displaying text in td cell in multiple lines Salesforce

TD text value in multiple lines -

<apex:page > <apex:form> <table> <tr><td>     <div id="myDiv"/>     </td></tr>     </table>        <apex:commandButton onclick="myFunction();" value="NextLine" reRender="dummy"/>     <apex:outputPanel id="dummy"/>     </apex:form>     <script>         function myFunction() {             document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML='<apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!$Label.sample}"/>';             //$Label.sample -->This is <strong><font color="#FF0000"></font></strong> Test Label111 <br/> second Line             alert('hi');         }     </script> </apex:page>



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  2. Why Should You Get Microsoft Power BI Certification Training?
    Power BI is a tool that data analysts use to help businesses maximize the value of their data assets. These individuals are in charge of developing scalable data models, cleansing and transforming data, and providing advanced analytical capabilities that result in significant commercial value through clear data visualizations. Candidates can understand the Power BI tool completely with the help of the Power BI Certification training. This technique is used by organizations to transform data gathered from many sources into intuitive and understandable perspectives that support decision-making.
    Benefits of Microsoft Power BI Certification Training
    As enterprises and organizations have started utilizing the Power BI application, they have started to employ specialists or individuals with the Power BI credential. The Power BI certification training can be very beneficial for working professionals whose key result areas (KRAs) are data management and analysis.
    Some of the main benefits of obtaining a Microsoft Power BI certification training include the following:
    1. It’s Microsoft
    2. Data Visualization and Modeling
    3. Power BI Desktop's Data Transformation
    4. Dashboards, Configure Reports, and Apps in the Power Service
    5. Power BI Has a Large User Community
    6. Power BI is easy to use and reasonably priced to learn.

  3. Professionals use Tableau as a tool to make interactive data dashboards and other engaging data visualisations. These dashboards can be distributed to organisational decision-makers and executives, enabling them to immediately spot patterns and trends in massive amounts of data. Additionally, people can utilise interactive data visualisation dashboards to cut and dice data in various ways to study how inputs may change broad patterns and trends.
    Because Tableau is a user-friendly product, even people with no prior technical knowledge may learn how to use it. This product is really well-liked because it is simple to understand. It appeals to both small enterprises and big corporations like Whole Foods, Verizon, and Cigna because of its adaptability, simplicity, and capacity to visualise massive volumes of data. Tableau is also used by public institutions like state and local governments to organise and present their data.
    Tableau Features
    The fact that Tableau has both premium and free versions will be appreciated by anyone who is interested in learning how to use it. Even on a tight budget, people may learn how to organise, analyse, and visualise their data using this program. One of its products, for instance, stores data in the cloud in a way that allows everyone to examine the data and visualisations; of course, this feature is excellent for people who aren't dealing with sensitive data!

